The deed has been done, the seeds sown, the lot has been cast. However you want to look at it I am headed to school starting Aug 22, 2007. For me it is triumph over doubt and a trip through serious self-examination. I have set my foot on the path and the way is forward.
Ok people go to school every year what's the drama. You're right. Oddly between 2001 and 2007 it became harder. I grew up, experienced the "real world" if you will, fought the noose of debt and didn't fully win. But you know what? I am excited to report I am a lot closer to winning debt than when I started.
At 31 years old God has given my husband and me the ability to have a home free of any lien or mortgage. He has also blessed me with a lot of spiritually deep family, friends and co-workers that helped me grow in my own spirituality. He also carried me through some mentally tough situations and in so doing added depth to my soul and humbleness to my spirit. (yeh He still has work to do on me!!!)
In my "My Space" site is a quote that embodies the only fear I wish to have in my life -
"I wish to fear not death but to fear life without truly living. Because is there a worse death then such?"
When at the call of God you step out on a limb and abandon yourself to a dream, the sprig shakes and the leaves fall around you. But the vision beyond the protected branches is worth the instability of the trembling twig.
What is your dream?
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