Our week off before summer classes started is just about at an end. Ready or not the craziness is about to begin again.
I received a letter from my school...oh man I was nervous when I read that it contained the answer to my in-state tuition request. If I didn't tell you the answer until the bottom of this blog you may begin to feel the nervous trepidation that lit up my hands with sweat and sent my head a whirling. They APPROVED it! I had submitted it to the school and on the way home I turned to Charles and said, "This will be a miracle if I get this." There were too many things out of order. We didn't license the car immediately, I didn't get my license immediately, we own a home in Colorado...it seemed the list went on and on with each on and on my prospects got dimmer. Everyone I told about my situation basically said..."good luck you have a snowball's chance in the 'theological place of eternal punishment'". Which added to my general sense of encouragement. :-) But it happened, thank God, and I now pay $650 for a class I would have payed $2700 last semester.
Charles is also classified as in state. The process was not as drawn out for him. In fact he went and wrote on a form that he lived here 12 months and that was that. HAHA! Some guy confessed to him that he also was out of state but lied on his form and said he was in state and they never checked. But I appreciate my favorite guy's honesty. Now a class that would have cost him $900 costs $126. WOW! That is great!
Let's see I am doing 2nd semester of physics & lab which involves magnetic fields, electricity and sound waves...oh yeh in 5 weeks. Charles is doing college math and chemistry and he is self paced so no set time for him.
It was our 6th anniversary this last week. YEY! We went to the Outer Banks for a couple days and one night.
The Ferry to Ocracoke Island

Our first campsite

Hatteras National Seashore

Lighthouses of the Outer Banks

Ocracoke Island


Bodie Island
We were going to camp for longer but our second camping spot turned out to be on some sand dunes with wind gusts of 50-60 miles per hour. Serious loofa action on any exposed skin. Hmm maybe I should start a spa there. People can stand naked in the dunes with wind blasting them with sand to get some de-wrinkle exfoliation. (Yikes!) We skipped the second night of camping and came home.

We love Ocracoke Island and we will go back to Ocracoke when we get a chance. It has a "cute as a kitten" little town that is mostly travel by bicycle or foot. A bunch of niftea resturants and shops, a history that includes Blackbeard the notorious pirate, wild island ponies, thousands of old shipwrecks, daring rescues, and sand and surf that doesn't have as many people because access is only by boat.
Oh yeh...I get to ride the public bus to school. We still haven't been able to find a replacement for Blueberry and at this point would have difficulty affording one. North Carolina State University has a deal where you can ride all public transit in the triangle area for free. So I have a chill 48 minute (minimal) ride to school every morning. It doesn't seem too bad and will save us fuel money, insurance and upkeep on a car. The bus stop is about a 10 minute walk from our apartment.
I am still waiting to hear if I am accepted to a BA in Chemistry which will help relieve the financial situation. Hopefully, I will hear in the next week. The undergraduate dean who was helping me out left on a month long motorcycle trip...he will be going through Durango and Moab! :-) But with the process not done it is a little scary to have him gone. My original benefactor Dr Gunnoe has put me in touch with a new person last week...but I haven't heard anything back from them. It's one of those things and God is giving me peace, quiet patience and focus.
Well I think I will go read one of the many books I have laying around or maybe finish a drawing. I don't have too many more hours of freedom.
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